Monday, May 12, 2008

The Three Rs = Creativity

In this age, when Organizations, Governments and NGOs have cried themselves hoarse about global warming, saving natural resources, etc., how many of us actually have done our bits towards conservation?
The three Rs - Reuse, Renew and Recycle all lead to conservation; require creativity, provided that one has the required quantum of enthusiasm.
I was amazed and inspired to witness a particular incidence of "Renew". On my way to office, amdist the mad rush of local train, my eyes caught the sight of a handbag. It was no ordinary bag. It was a collage of carry bags from Pantaloons, Westside and Shopper's Stop ( not that I am endorsing these brands ;-) )!
It looked damn good and quite functional. I immediately thought of umpteen bags that I have thrown away in the past few years.
Instead of disposing off atricles, if we use little creativity and imagination, we can come up with such bright ideas!
So, the next time you go for buying out, think if you can reuse, recycle or renew with whatever you already have.



avid observer said...

absolutely right...creative about reusing the used stuff is interesting enuf for us to think beyond our usual thinking cycle(vicious one??) hope more people can come out of such ideas in various fields where we can share our day to day life experience in creating little difference....which otherwise in mundane.

Creati(+)ve Future said...

Thanx avid observer